Partner Registration




Inter Xpress TrackingServices provide unsurpassed customer experiences by partnering with exceptional service providers. If your organization would like to be part of the our network, please complete the form to the right to start our vetting process. We are a CTPAT certified and have the highest of standards to provide best-in-class service for our customers continuously.

For additional information, please contact Tina Arruza at +1(402) 369 5675 or email

The Following Requirements Are Needed To Become A Partner:

Satisfactory Safety Rating

Favorable DNB Score

Operating Authority MC/MX or DOT #

Current W-9 or W-8 if applicable

COI that contains the minimum requirements as follows: 

  • 1,000,000 of Auto
  • 1,000,000 of General Liability
  • 100,000 of Cargo
  • Workers Compensation (state required minimum, if more than one employee.)

Enter the Consignment No.

Ex: 12345